The credits are used for CAPTCHA solving and sending SMS meesages.
We are paying third parties to manually solve any Craigslist CAPTCHAs and you need to have some credits in your account in order to use this service.
The Price-per-CAPTCHA is $0.02 and the Price-per-SMS message is $0.04.
Don't forget to enable CAPTCHA solving from "Tools - Settings - CAPTCHA".
Pricing Options
Total $
Licenses for the Pro version are valid for one year and DO NOT automatically renew.
Account Information
You have signed in with: asdsad
New Account
(Renew) Existing Account
Note: We hate spam as much as you do. We will never give or sell your contact information to any other party.
Your account is ready for use!
NOTE: You will also need to click the "verify" link in your email inbox.
Classifieds Searcher has been tested on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista. It requires virtually no memory (about 30 MB) or disk space and will run ok on any modern Windows PC.
Classifieds Searcher Mobile is designed to run on Android 4.0 and later.
It is thoroughly tested on all Google Nexus devices
and has a minor footprint on the CPU and battery life. The app data usage depends on the way you setup your search campaigns.
WebMailer™ is a cubiX app that runs on your
computer and controls your GMail accounts from a web browser. This way your emails are being sent as if you manually opened
GMail in a web browser, typed them in and sent them. Doing so makes the email less suspicious to the recipient and the chance to get in the SPAM folder is far less.
learn more...
WebMailer™ has been tested on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista. It requires virtually no memory (about 30 MB) or disk space and will run ok on any modern Windows PC.